OT Question about being cold
Now my hands and feet get and stay cold if it is cold, and my hubby hates it because I get him with them!!! hee hee I can't go anywhere without a jacket, just in case, and that is WIERD!!!!
Isn't this new life the best?!!!! Hey, have you heard anything from Monique?? I think of her often and wonder how she is!
have a great day sweetie! I am off to church soon!
bigg huggs and love, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Jean, I know exactly what your talking about. I am always sooooo cold!!! In the summer I think people thought I was wired...I would be standing there waiting for the Metro wearing a sweater and standing in the sun!! I was in Reno last week and I was in heaven...I would turn the room up to 80, my husband would die if he was there, he always wants the sliding glass door open and the fan on high and I freeze!!!
But, if I had to choose from being hot and fat or cold and thin...I would take the cold any day!!!!
I have no answers either....you you ice princess....hehehehhehe only kidding about the ice part!
I am telling you Jean...I think we all suffer from being cold...and yes we are cold. I think too that we are so much more aware of our bodies now....and when we were FAT all we focused on was the heat factor and not wanting to sweat because everyone knew we sweated because we were FAT....(myth by the way I think).
When I moved here to the desert, I was mortified that I sweated because I had never really sweated in the bay area.Well I realized...hey everyone sweats in the desert even if you are a stick!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

This would be a neat subject to research. I haven't had the WLS yet..so it'll be interesting to be chilly ALL the time...even during "the flashes"..lol
Kim in Fontana
Thanks for the input - makes sense to me. And thanks to all the rest of you for your comments - at least I know I am not alone.....
Hi Diane - I will be thinking of you this week for sure - Just remember I am thinking of you often and if you get to bored stuck up in that room - give me a call.....and I love ya too.
Ok so to the rest of you - stay warm. I did buy a blanket this afternoon and LInens and things to put on the bed. I haven't had a blanket on my bed in so long - just the comforter and the sheet - well, rather than layering on the thin throws I have I broke down and bought a real blanket....lol....
Ok time to go catch up on the rest of my emails from the weekend since I have been gone so much....
Love ya'll
Love U, Diane